Venârivè Player Guide

Venarive CoverThis free module - while designed as a player guide - also provides an excellent introduction and overview of the northwestern region of Lýthia, known as Venârivè.

Venârivè is an expansive region where for thousands of years peoples, religions, and nations have developed, traded, and clashed. It includes all the lands around the Venârian Sea and the regions which lie to the north and west, including the powerful empires of Ázeryàn and Dalkésh, the kingdoms of Tríerzòn and Shôrkýnè, and the lesser states of Hârn and Iváe.

This 20-page preview includes:

  • an introduction to Venârivè
  • an overview of the cultures, societies, and forms of government in the region
  • information on economics and trade, including coinage
  • some of the common folklore and legends across the region
  • an overview of the religions of the region, including the major pantheons
  • introductory information for the various realms of Venârivè, including Ivínia, Hârbáal, Quârphor, Reksýna, Tríerzòn, Ázeryàn, and many more
  • a list of the titles and key terms used, in key languages
  • weights and measures, and the names of months
  • a list of languages and scripts

The full Venârivè: Northwestern Lýthia module describes Venârivè in considerable detail.

A preview of the Venârivè map

Venârivè Map Sample

Free Guide and Preview

The Venârivè Player Guide and 'preview' can be downloaded here:

PDF icon Venarive_Player_Guide_102.pdf3.53 MB
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